The main priorities for 2021 according to Microsoft: Work From Home / Work from anywhereWhile the initial exodus to remote work occurred early last year, organizations of all sizes are still evolving in response. Business Continuity / Disaster RecoveryThe pace of digital transformation has continued to accelerate, putting pressure on companies to modernize their operations […]

Web Log
Janna Bastow - CEO and co-founder of ProdPad - has written a remarkable post about technical debt, design debt, and some other types of debts we can't live with or without. Making decisions means making trade-offs. Trade-offs so often mean taking on some types of debt. This can be a dilemma, especially if it stacks up [...]
Mark had a sound design project for an animation film. Check it out 😉
Balazs and Kristof came with me to climb Hochlantsch and we made a short video from the footage 😉